Go Stellar Corporation Terms of Sale

Last Modified: June 20, 2024

Welcome to Go Stellar, a network built for you, powered by you. Please read these Terms of Sale very carefully as they constitute a binding agreement between you and Go Stellar Corporation.

1.  Acceptance of the Terms of Sale.

These terms of sale are entered into by and between you and Go Stellar Corporation ("Go Stellar," "Company," "we," or "us"). The following terms and conditions, together with any documents they expressly incorporate by reference (collectively, "Terms of Sale"), govern your access to and use of selling Reservations on www.gostellar.it, including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through www.gostellar.it, and the Stellar mobile application (collectively, the "Website").

Please read the Terms of Sale carefully before you start to sell on the Website. By clicking on the “I Accept” or “Sign Up” button, complete the registration process, and/or browsing the Website or downloading the Stellar mobile application, you are entering into a binding contract and you warrant and represent that (1) you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by these Terms of Sale, (2) you are of legal age to form a binding contract with Go Stellar, and (3) you have the authority to enter into the Terms of Sale personally or on behalf of company you have named as the user, and to bind that company to these Terms of Sale. If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Sale, Terms of Use, or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the Website. 

This Website is offered and available to users who are 18 years of age or older and reside in the United States or any of its territories or possessions. By using this Website, you represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with the Company and meet all of the foregoing eligibility requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Website.

The following Terms of Sale apply to Users who wish to sell Reservations on our Website. These Terms of Sale incorporate Go Stellar’s Terms of Use by reference. If the Terms of Use are inconsistent with these Terms of Sale, these Terms of Sale shall control with respect to the subject matter contemplated herein. Any capitalized term used herein that is undefined has the meaning given to such term in the Terms of Use.

2.  Selling Reservations.

Sellers are required to comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinances, along with our Reservations Policy below, when marketing and selling Reservations.

3.  Reservation Listings.

Sellers set their own price when selling Reservations and may raise or lower that price and/or delete their listing prior to receiving an offer to purchase such Reservations. By listing a Reservation for sale, Seller is making a binding offer to sell that Reservation to a Buyer at the Listing Price. If a Buyer accepts the offer by purchasing Seller’s Reservation via the Services, the Seller is bound to deliver the applicable Reservation to the Buyer within the agreed upon timeframe. Sellers are solely responsible for monitoring their own inventory of Reservations and ensuring that their listings are accurate, complete and timely. Sellers are expressly forbidden from cancelling any order with a Buyer once the Seller has accepted the Buyer’s offer in order to relist the Reservation at a higher Listing Price.

4.  Reservations Policy.

All Sellers are required to comply with the following Reservations Policy when marketing and selling Reservations via our Website. Any failure to comply with this Reservations Policy, these Terms of Sale, or the Terms of Use may result in Seller’s listing(s) being removed, Seller’s sale(s) being cancelled, any amounts paid by Buyers being withheld, or Go Stellar taking any other action described in these Terms of Sale and/or the Terms of Use.
(a) Accurate Listings. Sellers must provide accurate, complete and timely listings and must ensure that such listings remain accurate, complete and timely, including information related to the name, date, and location of the Reservations. Sellers must list any and all required disclosures related to their Reservations, including: booking confirmations, reservation details, and authentic details related to the booking or event. Seller may only list valid Reservations, which Seller has the right and authority to sell. Sellers may not list any Reservations listed through the Website on any other website.

(b) Select the Right Delivery Method. Go Stellar will show you the delivery methods available for the Reservations during the listing process. Not all delivery methods are available for all Reservations. The delivery method determines the last available date to send Reservations that are not in hand and the date and time the listing will expire (i.e., when the listing will no longer be visible to Buyers). This provides the Seller adequate time to get documentation to Buyers before the date of the Reservation.When you start listing your Reservations on the details page, you will select a delivery method based on the type of Reservations confirmation you have - electronic Reservations (e-Reservations), paper printouts, or traditional 'hard' Reservations (such as Reservations printed on card stock). Once your Reservations sell, you cannot change the delivery method and you must deliver the Reservations using the delivery method selected.

Important: If you have 'hard' Reservations, you must select the shipping option (such as UPS or the relevant third-party carrier) or use Last Minute Services (LMS) where available. You must not select electronic delivery, as traditional 'hard' Reservations cannot be delivered electronically. And you cannot scan, copy, or photograph them to convert them into PDF files.

(c) List Valid Reservations. Only list Reservations that you know are valid. It is your sole responsibility to make sure the Reservations you list for sale on Go Stellar are valid. If you deliver incorrect, misrepresented, invalid, fraudulent or counterfeit documents for any sale or portion of a sale, you may incur additional fees or you may be subject to other consequences as set out in these Terms of Sale. 

(d) Comply with applicable law. When setting the Listing Price of your Reservations, it is your sole responsibility to comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, rules, and ordinances.

(e) Manage your Listings and Sales Closely. You are free to modify or delete your listing at any time before a sale is completed between you and a Buyer. But keep in mind that by listing a Reservation for sale on the Website, you are making a binding offer to sell the Reservation to a Buyer who purchases the Reservation for the Listing Price you have specified. When a Buyer accepts your offer by purchasing your Reservation, you are contractually bound to supply that exact Reservation for the specified Listing Price and within the required delivery timeframe.

(f) If you upload an electronic Reservation for sale and then remove the listing, Go Stellar will not be responsible if you are unable to use the Reservation due to technical or other reasons.

(g) No Guarantee. We do not guarantee that your Reservations or related passes will sell or that your listing will appear on the Website within a certain time after it is posted or in a particular order or through search results. Go Stellar will not, for any reason, provide compensation for Reservations that do not sell, even if it is due to Website unavailability from an outage, maintenance, or listing delays.

(h) Delivery. Sellers must deliver any Reservations purchased by Buyers in accordance with agreed upon timelines and in a manner consistent with the Seller’s listing. If a Buyer does not receive their Reservation in a timely manner, or the Buyer receives a Reservation that does not match the Seller’s listing, Go Stellar may cancel the sale and refund the Buyer all amounts paid to the Seller. If Seller believes that they will be unable to deliver a Reservation that they have sold to a Buyer in a timely manner or that they need to offer a replacement Reservation, Seller must report the issue to Go Stellar immediately at info@gostellar.it so we can attempt to resolve the matter. Seller understands that merely reporting any issues it is experiencing in accordance with the prior sentence does not relieve Seller of its obligations to the Buyer. We reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate Seller’s Account if we determine, in our sole discretion, that Seller has repeatedly failed to deliver Reservations in accordance with these Terms of Sale.

(i) Prohibited Listings. Sellers are expressly forbidden from listing for sale:

1. Reservations that the Seller does not actually have in their possession;
2. Stolen Reservations; and
3. Commercial Flight Reservations that cannot be changed.
Seller acknowledges that certain laws applicable to some venues may prohibit the resale of hospitality reservations or tickets for events above the original purchase price. Accordingly, when applicable, Seller will not list or sell Reservations for any such venue on the Website at a price exceeding the original purchase price. Seller further acknowledges that certain laws applicable to some venues may require the disclosure of the original purchase price paid for hospitality reservations or tickets listed for resale. Accordingly, when so required, Seller will provide the original purchase price in the listing on the Website. 

Failure to comply with these laws and any other laws regarding the sale and resale of hospitality reservations and tickets for events may result in fines or other penalties, for which the Seller will be solely liable. Go Stellar will not be liable for any such fines or penalties, and Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Go Stellar harmless from any claims, fines, or penalties arising from such non-compliance.

5.  Seller Warranties.

As a Seller, you represent and warrant that: (i) all Reservations you list on the Services (1) are valid, (2) are in your actual physical possession, and (3) are transferable to Buyers; (ii) you have the right to sell the Reservations you list on the Services; (iii) your sale of any Reservations via the Website does not and will not violate the rules or terms and conditions of any hospitality property or venue; and (iv) you have not and will not list any Reservations listed on the Services on any other website, platform, channel or medium while such Reservations are listed on the Services.

6.  Getting Paid and Paying Taxes.

Sellers will usually be sent payment within five (5) business days following Go Stellar’s confirmation of Buyer’s receipt of Reservation and related passes. In some cases, this timeframe may be extended. Payment receipt times will vary depending on the payment method chosen by the Seller. We will also send you an email to let you know the Buyer received the Reservation and we have begun processing your payment.

Except where required by law, Go Stellar is not responsible in any way for the accuracy or suitability of any payment of any applicable taxes on your behalf. As a Seller, you are responsible for collecting and remitting any and all applicable international, federal, state, or municipal taxes in connection with Reservation sales, except where Go Stellar is required by law to calculate, collect, and remit sales tax on those sales.

7.  Violation Consequences.

When you violate these Terms of Sale, you may face consequences, which could include the following (or any combination):
(a) Warnings
(b) The removal of your listings
(c) Order cancellation
(d) Limits to your buying and selling privileges
(e) Withholding of payments
(f) Temporary or permanent suspension of your Account

8.  Disclaimer.

Go Stellar does not guarantee that any Reservations you list on the Services will sell, that you will make any particular amount of money in marketing and selling Reservations on our Website, or that any Buyers will complete any transaction with you or be able to pay for Reservations. Furthermore, we do not guarantee that any Reservations will be listed on our Website in any particular way or with any preference or will appear on the Website within any particular period of time.

9.  Interactions with Buyers.

Go Stellar may provide Sellers with certain information related to Buyers, such as their contact information, so that Sellers can send Reservations to them. Sellers are prohibited from using such information for any purpose other than the fulfillment of their obligations in providing purchased Reservations to Buyers. Sellers shall not include, in any shipment to any Buyer, any materials other than the purchased Reservations, including business cards, bookmarks, coupons, flyers, solicitations, contact information or any other marketing or advertising materials.

10.  Indemnification.

Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Go Stellar harmless from any losses, costs, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) relating to or arising out of Seller’s breach or alleged breach of these Terms of Sale.